Step 1 of 6 16% Let’s get started! Write as much as you want for each question!Your name* First Last Your website URL*Your cell/SMS numberOptional, will only be used for some cool accountability texts in part of the class, totally fun and not required, standard SMS rates apply. Tell me about your work (or whatever field you’re seeking change in). What do you do? Why that, in particular?*What exactly feels like it needs to change?*What brought you to Pivot?*Have you already tried to solve any of the issues you’ve brought up? If so, what did or didn’t work?*What uncomfortable feelings come up when you think about making these changes, or when you try to take a step? Any worries or fears that spring to mind?*Are there any practical obstacles getting in the way?*Give me as clear a picture as you can about what you’d like life to look like AFTER these changes are made. What will you spend your time doing? What will you feel more of, and what will you feel less of?* What other roles, priorities, and obligations do you balance in your life?*Tell me about any big changes or pivots you’ve made in your work in the past. What were they, and what led to them?*Is there anything about your work you’re especially proud of right now, or any momentum you’d like to keep going?*What deeper mission does your work serve (in your life or in your clients’ lives)?*Is there anything else you want Jenika to know?*Is there anything you don’t want Jenika to know? 😉* Please rate on a scale of 1 to 100, with 100 being highest or most.How excited are you when you sit down to work?*Please enter a number from 1 to 100.How connected do you feel to your work most days?*Please enter a number from 1 to 100.How confident do you feel about the next steps you’re taking?*Please enter a number from 1 to 100.How much clarity and focus do you feel when you sit down to work (meaning, you know exactly what to do, why you’re doing it, and how it’s helping you achieve your goals + connect with your mission)?*Please enter a number from 1 to 100.How satisfied are you with how well you’re being compensated for your work?*Please enter a number from 1 to 100. I will consider my time in Pivot a success if:*And it would be especially amazing if:*When someone is offering constructive suggestions, I prefer:* They give it to me straight. Like most people, I like a typical mix of good feedback mixed with kindness and positivity. I need to be handled with extra care here. My current favorite music to listen to is:*If I had a free evening, I would love to spend it:*What 2-3 things are you mildly (or majorly) obsessed with outside of your work?*If you could have lunch with someone (from now or any point in history), who would it be? Why?*