Step 1 of 3 33% Please check all that apply I am currently running a full-time business. (Here, full time means: you are completely self-employed, you don’t consider your business a side job, and you work in your business most days). I have been running a full-time business for at least three years. (Even if my services have evolved, I have been self-employed the entire time.) I have taken some business-related courses in the last 3 years and have not yet implemented everything I wanted to, including things I strongly believed would help. I am looking to make a significant change in my business (shift of services or major growth) in the next 12 months. I am at least 18 years old. I am fluent in English. I am willing to participate in a voluntary research study to help Jenika McDavitt LLC learn more about how business owners grow and change. Consent Form Project Title: Growth & Small Business Owners Jenika McDavitt LLC Principal Investigator: Jenika McDavitt P.O. Box 403 Churchville, MD 21028 Email: You are invited to participate in a voluntary research study. The purpose of this study is to understand how small business owners make business changes. Participating in this study will involve filling out short forms and being interviewed for one hour. You will have the option to agree to possible follow-up. There are no known risks or benefits to participating. What procedures are involved? The study involves filling out a short demographic and screening form, and being interviewed via Zoom for one hour. The call will be recorded and transcribed, and both the recording and transcription stored in a password-protected digital location. How will the study-related information be used? The interview will be recorded and a transcript produced by an online automated service and may be checked for transcription errors by a research assistant The transcript will be analyzed by Jenika McDavitt LLC; access to the transcript will be limited to any academic researchers with whom she might collaborate as a part of the research process The recording and transcript will be stored in password-protected digital locations. Summaries of interview content or direct quotations stripped of any personally identifying information may be presented or published, academically or commercially. For example, a quote that illustrates a variable of interest may be used in a business or academic presentation about how to help business owners through challenges, or may be used in course material to illustrate a concept. The content of your interview may be used in academic papers, policy papers or news articles, on Jenika McDavitt LLC’s websites or in other media we may produce such as presentations, books, or articles. By signing this consent form, you agree and understand that you will receive no further compensation if quotes or summaries from your interview are used for these purposes. Will my study-related information be kept confidential? Clearly identifying information will be removed from your data and stored in separate, password-protected digital locations. Your name and any identifying information will never be published or presented. We will use all reasonable efforts to keep your name confidential and to keep your data in a secure location, but it is not possible to guarantee absolute confidentiality (i.e. due to the possibility of a malicious computer attack). If you have any questions about how your data will be used, please contact Jenika McDavitt. Will I receive any compensation? To thank you for your time, you will be offered $10 upon completion of your interview, sent via Amazon gift card or PayPal. Are there other benefits to participating in the research? Taking part in this research may not benefit you personally, but the study may uncover new things that will help others. Can I withdraw or be removed from this study? If you decide to participate, you are free to withdraw your consent and discontinue participation at any time. Your participation in this research is voluntary. The researcher also has the right to stop your participation in the study without your consent if they believe it is in your best interests, or you were to object to any future changes that may be included in the study plan. Will data collected from me be used for any other research? Your de-identified information could be analyzed again and used for further research by Jenika McDavitt LLC without additional informed consent. Who should I contact if I have questions? If you have questions about this project, you may contact Jenika McDavitt at Please print this consent form if you would like to retain a copy for your records.Thank you for your interest, but it looks like you don’t meet criteria for this particular study. However, we’re grateful you took a look! Thank you!Name* First Last I certify that I am 18 years or older. By typing my name below and clicking the “Submit” button to proceed, I agree to the conditions set forth in this form and indicate my willingness to voluntarily take part in this study.Consent* I have read and understood the above consent form Thank you for jumping in! Let's get some quick demographic info (will take less than 2 mins) then we'll whisk you to a calendar to schedule your interview! Age* 18-20 21-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70+ Gender* Female Male Nonbinary / Third Gender Prefer to self-describe Prefer not to say Gender Race and Ethnicity* Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin Black or African American Asian American Indian or Alaska Native Middle Eastern or North African Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Another race, ethnicity or origin not listed here Prefer not to say Please check all that apply. This is to assess the representativeness of our sample; we are using U.S. Census categories.Describe your field of business in 1-2 words* I.e., photography, graphic design, writing.Years running your own full-time business*Please enter a number from 0 to 50."Full time" meaning: it’s your main job and means of earning moneyThink about your ideal business, and then consider the services or products you currently offer. Would you say your current offerings are:* Exactly the same as my ideal business Very close to my ideal On the way to my ideal, but I have a way to go Feeling pretty far from my ideal I’m looking to change everything Think about the size of your business, in terms of earnings, influence, and public visibility. Would you say your business is:* Exactly the same as my ideal business Very close to my ideal On the way to my ideal, but I have a way to go Feeling pretty far from my ideal I’m looking to change everything